How To Check Your Outstanding SSS Loan Balance ONLINE

Another task you can easily do at home or any place where there is a working computer and internet connection is checking your outstanding SSS Loan Balance. Avoid the hassle of long queues and traffic and get the information you need with just a click of a mouse.

Remember to check the status of your loan from time to time. There are situations wherein employers failed to remit SSS Loan payments which in turn would make you a delinquent member. You would have to pay unnecessary penalties if such cases happened, so better be vigilant in checking and inquiring with your HR.

Likewise, if you are a voluntary member, it would be an easy way to double check if your payments are being posted timely and accurately.

Simply follow these steps to view your SSS Outstanding Loan Balance online.

1. Go to the Social Security System Official Website. Simply input your login details. The website works best with Internet Explorer Browser Version 11.

SSS Log in page

Not yet registered with My.SSS? Click here.

2. Once you have successfully logged in, click E-Services -> Inquiry.

3. After the Employee Static Information has loaded, you can find options on top of the Member Details. Simply Click ‘Loan’ then ‘Loan Status/Loan Info.’

4. You will find the list of availed loans and the summary of each loan. Click on the link of your SALARY LOAN to view detailed information.

5. Once you get on the Loan Information page, simply click ‘Statement of Account & Loan Payments’ to see the computation of your payments (Principal, Interest and Penalty).

6. You can also click ‘View Loan Disclosure Statement’ to get your detailed credit transaction.

Are you a delinquent borrower? Good news, SSS has launched a Loan Restructuring Program. Click here to find out more.

Now, you can keep track of your SSS Salary Loan Balance even without visiting the SSS branches. Share this information to help other members.