Good news to all self-employed members of the Social Security System (SSS)! They are now also covered by the benefits of the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP). This was announced by Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello in a statement.
“We recognize that most self-employed members of the SSS are also workers who need to be protected in time of work-connected sickness, injuries, or death,”said Bello who also happens to the Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) chairman.
Established in 1975, ECC program has provided workers in the formal economy and public service health and welfare compensation to employees and their dependents in the event of work-related sickness, injuries and even death. Now, it will be able to serve more Filipino workers as it opens for self-employed SSS beneficiaries.

How to Qualify For ECP
To qualify for ECP, a self-employed worker must have a monthly income of at least Php 2,000 and must not be over 60 years old during the time of the initial coverage. According to DOLE, the following members are considered as self-employed individuals entitled to the compulsory coverage of EC Program:
– Self-employed professionals who have their own business offices
– Single proprietors of businesses
– Directors of Trustees of the Board of corporations duly registered with appropriate government agencies
– Actors, directors, scriptwriters and news correspondents who do not fall within the term ‘employee’ in Section 8(D) of the SSS Law
– Professional athletes, coaches, trainers, jockeys, individual farmers and fisher folks
– Workers in the informal sector such as market and ambulant vendors, transport workers and those similarly situated.
– Contractual and job order personnel hired by the government through a Contract of Service and not covered under the GSIS Law
– Any other self-employed as decided by the Social Security Commission
How Much is the Contribution for ECP?
It all depends on the corresponding monthly salary credit(MSC) as declared by the time of registration. For self-employed members who declared monthly earnings that fall under MSC of Php14,500 or below shall pay Php10 per month. Those who have MSC of Php15,000 above will pay Php30 monthly
What are the benefits of ECP?
If there had been a work-related sickness or injury, the self-employed member will receive loss of income benefits, medical benefits, and career’s allowance and rehabilitation services involving the provision of remedial treatment, entrepreneurial or vocational assessment and training.