SSS Quarterly Payment Deadline 2017

For SSS Voluntary members and even SSS employers, it would be more convenient to settle SSS contribution in a quarterly basis. Aside from saving a trip to the SSS branch office, it would also be easier for computation and record tracking.

Like the monthly payment scheme, the quarterly payment of contribution also has a set deadline. It is important to settle your payment on or before the deadline to avoid consequences. For employers, missing the deadline means paying a set amount of penalty. Meanwhile for SSS voluntary members, they will not be allowed to pay the missed months after the deadline. Thus, it may affect their eligibility for some loans or benefits.


One quarter covers three consecutive months. For example, the first quarter covers the months of January, February and March. The deadline for payment would be the following month which is April, but the exact date would depend on the SS number of the employer or the voluntary member.


To know the exact date of your deadline, check out your SS number. For example your SS number is 09-8765432-1; the last digit would be 1. Based on the chart, your deadline would be on the 10th of the month. If you are going to pay for the first quarter (months of January, February and March), your deadline would be April 10th.

In the event that the payment deadline falls on a weekend or a Holiday, it will be moved to the next working day. Remember, you can always pay earlier than your set deadline to avoid the hassle of expected long lines and the stress of cramming.